Due to COVID-19, the Mill-Green UMC Pre-School will not open in the fall of the 2020-2021 school year. A decision about a spring 2021 session will be decided at a later date. An update will be posted at that time.
In Preschool we try to bridge the gap between home and school by making the children feel secure in new surroundings. We start each day with prayer and a Bible story. We stress kindness, sharing, taking turns, and saying “please” and “thank you”.
Throughout the year we work on upper and lower case letters, numbers 1-10, colors, shapes, printing names, Pledge of Allegiance, singing, and much more. We end the day with a craft that centers around the Bible story for the day.
Contact Information:
Sue Burns & Barb Leighow
Phone: (570) 458.4349 ext. 225